The famous Christmas song "The Night " (by Jean-Philippe Rameau) performed by” Les Petits Chanteurs de Saint-Marc” (children's voices from the movie "Les Choristes") in front of of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary, Lourdes, 7 June 2010, after the Marian . it was a pilgrimage of French veterans of North Africa. A moment of pure contemplation. Shooting: Lawrence Jarneau.
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All about Lourdes miracles and holy Lourdes water. Catholic faith blog
Video of the Christmas message from Lourdes
because it will be Christmas in a few days . Here is the video with the 2010 Christmas message from Lourdes Shrine say in several langage by Father Horacio Brito
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Order here real Lourdes Water, shipping worldwide
Are Lourdes Water and Holy Water the same?
No. Holy water is water blest by a priest with a sacramental . tha same sacramental can be use to bless a person , a home or many things. Lourdes Water is the water coming from the Shrine in Lourdes . Of course Lourdes water can be blessed by a priest in Lourdes or elsewhere . In this case, it it Holy Lourdes Water
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Order here real Lourdes Water, shipping worldwide
Is Lourdes water drinkable ?
This is also a very common question about Lourdes water :
Of course, the water is drinkable but like any waterit depend of the conservation conditions. do not keep it too long at home. Drink it as soon as possible . You can always get some more !!
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Of course, the water is drinkable but like any waterit depend of the conservation conditions. do not keep it too long at home. Drink it as soon as possible . You can always get some more !!
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Can we mix others water to Lourdes water to make it last longer?
This question is very often asked .
So here is the specialists answer :
No, it can not. If you add others waters to Lourdes water, it is no more Lourdes Water !
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So here is the specialists answer :
No, it can not. If you add others waters to Lourdes water, it is no more Lourdes Water !
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Litany to Lady of Lourdes
When using Lourdes water, sometimes better result are obtain by saying a litany to repeat several time
Here is one sample of litany
"Litany of Our Lady of Lourdes"
Lord have mercy;
Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy;
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy;
Lord have mercy.
Christ hear us;
Christ graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven;
Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world;
Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit;
Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God;
Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary;
Pray for us.
Holy Mother of God;
Pray for us.
Mother of Christ;
Pray for us.
Mother of our Savior;
Pray for us.
Our Lady of Lourdes, help of Christians;
Pray for us.
Our Lady of Lourdes, source of love;
Pray for us.
Our Lady of Lourdes, mother of the poor;
Pray for us.
Our Lady of Lourdes, mother of the handicapped;
Pray for us.
Our Lady of Lourdes, mother of orphans;
Pray for us.
Our Lady of Lourdes, mother of all children;
Pray for us.
Our Lady of Lourdes, mother of all nations;
Pray for us.
Our Lady of Lourdes, mother of the Church;
Pray for us.
Our Lady of Lourdes, friend of the lonely;
Pray for us.
Our Lady of Lourdes, comforter of those who mourn;
Pray for us.
Our Lady of Lourdes, shelter of the homeless;
Pray for us.
Our Lady of Lourdes, guide of travelers;
Pray for us.
Our Lady of Lourdes, strength of the weak;
Pray for us.
Our Lady of Lourdes, refuge of sinners; Pray for us.
Our Lady of Lourdes, comforter of the suffering; Pray for us.
Our Lady of Lourdes, help of the dying; Pray for us.
Queen of heaven; Pray for us.
Queen of peace; Pray for us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world;
Spare us O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world;
Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world;
Have mercy on us.
Christ hear us;
Christ graciously hear us.
Let us pray: Grant us, your servants, we pray you, Lord God, to enjoy perpetual health of mind and body.
By the glorious intercession of Blessed Mary ever Virgin, may we be delivered from present sorrows, and enjoy everlasting happiness. Through Christ our Lord. Amen."
Another prayer to ask favors to the Lady Of Lourdes
Here you cand find a prayer to say or better to sing to ask favors to the holy Lady of Lourdes
"Our Lady of Lourdes
O ever Immaculate Virgin, Mother of mercy, health of the sick,
refuge of sinners, comforter of the afflicted, you know my wants,
my troubles, my sufferings, look with mercy on me.
By appearing in the Grotto of Lourdes, you were pleased to make it a
privileged sanctuary, whence you dispense your favors;
and already many sufferers have obtained the cure of their infirmities,
both spiritual and corporal.
I come, therefore, with complete confidence to implore your
maternal intercession. Obtain, O loving Mother, the grant of my requests.
Through gratitude for your favors, I will endeavor to imitate your virtues,
that I may one day share your glory. Amen."
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"Our Lady of Lourdes
O ever Immaculate Virgin, Mother of mercy, health of the sick,
refuge of sinners, comforter of the afflicted, you know my wants,
my troubles, my sufferings, look with mercy on me.
By appearing in the Grotto of Lourdes, you were pleased to make it a
privileged sanctuary, whence you dispense your favors;
and already many sufferers have obtained the cure of their infirmities,
both spiritual and corporal.
I come, therefore, with complete confidence to implore your
maternal intercession. Obtain, O loving Mother, the grant of my requests.
Through gratitude for your favors, I will endeavor to imitate your virtues,
that I may one day share your glory. Amen."
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Short prayer to say when using Lourdes water
Here is a short prayer to say when using Lourdes water to increase the results
"-Blessed be the Holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.
-Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.
-Mother of Mercy, pray of us.
-Our Lady of Lourdes, heal us for the greater glory of the Holy Trinity.
-Our Lady of Lourdes, heal us for the greater glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
-Our Lady of Lourdes, heal the sick, convert the sinners.
-Health of the sick, Help of the suffering, pray for us.
-O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to You.
-Saint Bernadette, pray for us."
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"-Blessed be the Holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.
-Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.
-Mother of Mercy, pray of us.
-Our Lady of Lourdes, heal us for the greater glory of the Holy Trinity.
-Our Lady of Lourdes, heal us for the greater glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
-Our Lady of Lourdes, heal the sick, convert the sinners.
-Health of the sick, Help of the suffering, pray for us.
-O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to You.
-Saint Bernadette, pray for us."
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light a candle at the holy grotto of Lourdes
If you can not go to Lourdes , "" can light for you a cnadle at the Lourdes holy grotto with your own wish .
As proof they send you the pictures of the candle with the wish written on it

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As proof they send you the pictures of the candle with the wish written on it
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A nice gift for Christmas
If you search an idea of original catholic gift for Christmas , a bottle with holy Lourdes water could be an idea of small appreciated gift
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Everything about Lourdes and miracle water in catholic encyclopedia
Everything about Lourdes and miracle water in catholic encyclopedia
Read this interesting article
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Read this interesting article
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Do you know the pope has drink Lourdes water
As millions of Catholic, the Pope has drink Lourdes water in Lourdes
More details here
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More details here
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Miracle healing water
On this page , you will discover the miracle healing water from the world , including Lourdes
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Order here real Lourdes Water, shipping worldwide
Holy Water in Roman Catholicism
Here, an interesting article about the holy water in roman catholic
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Order here real Lourdes Water, shipping worldwide
Prayer to be said when using Lourdes water
Blessed be the Holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.
Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us. Mother, have mercy on us.
Our Lady of Lourdes, heal us for the greater glory of the Holy Trinity.
Our Lady of Lourdes, heal us for the greater glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Lady of Lourdes, heal the sick, convert sinners.
Health of the sick, Help of the suffering, pray for us.
Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
St. Bernadette, pray for us!
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Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us. Mother, have mercy on us.
Our Lady of Lourdes, heal us for the greater glory of the Holy Trinity.
Our Lady of Lourdes, heal us for the greater glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Lady of Lourdes, heal the sick, convert sinners.
Health of the sick, Help of the suffering, pray for us.
Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
St. Bernadette, pray for us!
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Lourdes Prayer
Lord, we adore Thee!
Lord, we believe in Thee!
Lord, we hope in Thee!
Lord, we love Thee!
Jesus, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God!
Thou art the Bread which came down from heaven!
Thy flesh is food indeed!
Thy blood is drink indeed!
Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me whole: Lord, Thy will be done!
0 Mary, health of the sick, pray for us!
0 Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee!
Queen of Peace, pray for us!
Our Lady of Lourdes, bless the Pope, Vicar of Jesus Christ!
Our Lady of Lourdes, bless our country!
Our Lady of Lourdes, give us holy priests!
St. Bernadette, pray for us!
Lord, we adore Thee!
Lord, we bless Thee!
All peoples of the world,
praise ye the Lord!
Glory be to Father, etc.
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Lord, we believe in Thee!
Lord, we hope in Thee!
Lord, we love Thee!
Jesus, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God!
Thou art the Bread which came down from heaven!
Thy flesh is food indeed!
Thy blood is drink indeed!
Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me whole: Lord, Thy will be done!
0 Mary, health of the sick, pray for us!
0 Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee!
Queen of Peace, pray for us!
Our Lady of Lourdes, bless the Pope, Vicar of Jesus Christ!
Our Lady of Lourdes, bless our country!
Our Lady of Lourdes, give us holy priests!
St. Bernadette, pray for us!
Lord, we adore Thee!
Lord, we bless Thee!
All peoples of the world,
praise ye the Lord!
Glory be to Father, etc.
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Approved miracle from Lourdes : Mrs Blaisette CAZENAVE
nee SOUPENE, born in 1808.
Lived in Lourdes. Cured in March 1858, in her 51st. year. Miracle on 18th January 1862, by Mgr Laurence, Bishop of Tarbes. Blaisette CAZENAVE, had serious trouble with her eyes for many years. This 50 year old Lourdes' woman suffered from a chronic infection of the conjonctivae and eyelids, with bilateral ectropion... for which medicines up to then were of little help.
Declared incurable, she decided to use the water from the Grotto as a lotion. After the second application, she was completely cured. The eyelids returned to normal, the fleshy overgrowths disappeared, the pain and inflammation vanished.
Prof. Vergez was able to write about it thus: "The supernatural effect was as much evident in this wonderful cure as the physical lesion-nowadays we would say the organic disease of the eyelids--striking as that was, with the complete return to a normal healthy state by a rapid regrowth of the tissues".
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Lived in Lourdes. Cured in March 1858, in her 51st. year. Miracle on 18th January 1862, by Mgr Laurence, Bishop of Tarbes. Blaisette CAZENAVE, had serious trouble with her eyes for many years. This 50 year old Lourdes' woman suffered from a chronic infection of the conjonctivae and eyelids, with bilateral ectropion... for which medicines up to then were of little help.
Declared incurable, she decided to use the water from the Grotto as a lotion. After the second application, she was completely cured. The eyelids returned to normal, the fleshy overgrowths disappeared, the pain and inflammation vanished.
Prof. Vergez was able to write about it thus: "The supernatural effect was as much evident in this wonderful cure as the physical lesion-nowadays we would say the organic disease of the eyelids--striking as that was, with the complete return to a normal healthy state by a rapid regrowth of the tissues".
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Approved miracle from Lourdes : Louis BOURIETTE
Born in 1804
Lived in Lourdes. Cured in March 1858, in his 55th year. Miracle on 18th
January 1862, by Mgr Laurence, Bishop of Tarbes.
This cure is the one most often quoted in the history of Lourdes. Although usually considered the first, in actual fact there is evidence that it could not have happened before the first days of March (cf. Laurentin).
Louis BOURIETTE was a quarryman's labourer, living and working in Lourdes. In 1858 he had been afflicted with a complete loss of vision in the right eye for two years. This serious disturbance resulted from an accident in the mine, which 19 years before had irreversibly injured his eye, and killed his brother Joseph, who was at his side.
Dr. Dozous, the first Medical "expert" verified this cure and in 1874 wrote this:
"It is a well known fact, corroborated by science, that whenever an eye is injured by a flying object in an explosion, the shock engendered is always sufficient to lead to incurable blindness. Often it happens that the other eye, unable to escape the repercussion of that shock due to the sympathy which exists between the two eyes, is itself weakened and ends up blind too".
The circumstances of this cure were reported by the same Dr. Dozous who took an interest in them himself.
"As soon as Bernadette had scratched the soil of the Grotto leading to the appearance of the Spring which had cured so many sick people, I wanted, he told me, to try and see if this water would cure my eye.
When the chance came to use this water, l started to pray to Our Lady of the Grotto, and humbly begged her to be with me when I bathed my eye with the water from the fountain.
I bathed and rebathed my right eye repeatedly in the space of a short time, and after these ablutions my sight was excellent, just as it is now" (cf. La Grotte de Lourdes, sa fontaine, ses guerisons).
The Commission of enquiry, set up by Mgr Laurence, heard Dr. Dozous speak about this cure on 28th. July 1858.
In April 1860, Dr. Henri Vergez, Professor attached to the Faculty at Montpellier, and Medical Officer at the Waters of Bareges, presented his preliminary report as requested by Mgr Laurence. He declared as his opinion:
"This event (the cure) possesses a supernatural character".
The verdict was solemnised in the Mandate of Mgr Laurence in January 1862.
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Lived in Lourdes. Cured in March 1858, in his 55th year. Miracle on 18th
January 1862, by Mgr Laurence, Bishop of Tarbes.
This cure is the one most often quoted in the history of Lourdes. Although usually considered the first, in actual fact there is evidence that it could not have happened before the first days of March (cf. Laurentin).
Louis BOURIETTE was a quarryman's labourer, living and working in Lourdes. In 1858 he had been afflicted with a complete loss of vision in the right eye for two years. This serious disturbance resulted from an accident in the mine, which 19 years before had irreversibly injured his eye, and killed his brother Joseph, who was at his side.
Dr. Dozous, the first Medical "expert" verified this cure and in 1874 wrote this:
"It is a well known fact, corroborated by science, that whenever an eye is injured by a flying object in an explosion, the shock engendered is always sufficient to lead to incurable blindness. Often it happens that the other eye, unable to escape the repercussion of that shock due to the sympathy which exists between the two eyes, is itself weakened and ends up blind too".
The circumstances of this cure were reported by the same Dr. Dozous who took an interest in them himself.
"As soon as Bernadette had scratched the soil of the Grotto leading to the appearance of the Spring which had cured so many sick people, I wanted, he told me, to try and see if this water would cure my eye.
When the chance came to use this water, l started to pray to Our Lady of the Grotto, and humbly begged her to be with me when I bathed my eye with the water from the fountain.
I bathed and rebathed my right eye repeatedly in the space of a short time, and after these ablutions my sight was excellent, just as it is now" (cf. La Grotte de Lourdes, sa fontaine, ses guerisons).
The Commission of enquiry, set up by Mgr Laurence, heard Dr. Dozous speak about this cure on 28th. July 1858.
In April 1860, Dr. Henri Vergez, Professor attached to the Faculty at Montpellier, and Medical Officer at the Waters of Bareges, presented his preliminary report as requested by Mgr Laurence. He declared as his opinion:
"This event (the cure) possesses a supernatural character".
The verdict was solemnised in the Mandate of Mgr Laurence in January 1862.
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Approved miracles from Lourdes : Mrs Catherine LATAPIE
Born in 1820
Lived in Loubajac, near to Lourdes. Cured 1st. March 1858 in her 39th year.
Miracle on 18th. January 1862, by Mgr Laurence, Bishop of Tarbes.
This was the first cure. The date is unquestionable.
At the time of the Apparitions, Catherine LATAPIE lived at Loubajac, a few kilometres from Lourdes. She had injured her right hand after a fall from a tree, in October 1856; in addition, she was at the end of her third(?) pregnancy.
This accident caused a subluxation of the humerus, which was easily reducible, but owing to the traumatic stretching of the brachial plexus, she was left with an ulnar type of paralysis. She could not use the last two fingers of her right hand, which were held in typical palmar flexion.
During the night between the 28th. February and the 1st. March, 1858, Catherine LATAPIE was moved by a sudden impulse . She rose at three in the morning, woke her young children and set off for Lourdes.
Arriving there at dawn, she met Bernadette, went to the Grotto and knelt down to pray. Then with all simplicity, she bathed her hand in the little hollow which had already collected water from the Spring.
Straightaway her fingers returned to normal. They had regained their movements and suppleness. She could flex and extend them with the same facility as she could before the accident.
With haste she returned home, and the same evening--(it is this detail which enables us to be sure of the date of the cure)--she gave birth to her third child. He was ordained a priest in 1882.
In his report for Mgr Laurence, Prof. Vergez classed this case amongst the cures "presenting a supernatural character".
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Lived in Loubajac, near to Lourdes. Cured 1st. March 1858 in her 39th year.
Miracle on 18th. January 1862, by Mgr Laurence, Bishop of Tarbes.
This was the first cure. The date is unquestionable.
At the time of the Apparitions, Catherine LATAPIE lived at Loubajac, a few kilometres from Lourdes. She had injured her right hand after a fall from a tree, in October 1856; in addition, she was at the end of her third(?) pregnancy.
This accident caused a subluxation of the humerus, which was easily reducible, but owing to the traumatic stretching of the brachial plexus, she was left with an ulnar type of paralysis. She could not use the last two fingers of her right hand, which were held in typical palmar flexion.
During the night between the 28th. February and the 1st. March, 1858, Catherine LATAPIE was moved by a sudden impulse . She rose at three in the morning, woke her young children and set off for Lourdes.
Arriving there at dawn, she met Bernadette, went to the Grotto and knelt down to pray. Then with all simplicity, she bathed her hand in the little hollow which had already collected water from the Spring.
Straightaway her fingers returned to normal. They had regained their movements and suppleness. She could flex and extend them with the same facility as she could before the accident.
With haste she returned home, and the same evening--(it is this detail which enables us to be sure of the date of the cure)--she gave birth to her third child. He was ordained a priest in 1882.
In his report for Mgr Laurence, Prof. Vergez classed this case amongst the cures "presenting a supernatural character".
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List of Approved Lourdes Miracles
In 1859, Professor Vergez of the Faculty of Medicine at Montpellier was appointed to examine the cures. Seven cures were recorded before 1862 promoting the argument for the recognition of the Apparitions by Bishop Laurence. Over 5,000 cures have been documented at the waters of Lourdes. The Church has vigorously investigated and validated a mere 67 of them.
The Cures at Lourdes which have been recognised as miraculous
by the Church
Name and Domicile Nature of illness Age at the date Diocese and Date
of the cure of Recognition
Mrs Latapie - CHOUAT Catherine,
of Loubajac (France).
Ulnar Paralysis due to traumatic
elongation of the bracial plexus for
18 months.
About 38 years old
on 3 -1-1858.
Mr Bouriette Louis, of Lourdes
20 year old injury to the right eye
with blindness for 2 years.
54 years old in
March 1858.
Mrs Cazenave Blaisette, Blaisette,
(Born Soupène)of Lourdes
Chemosis or chronic conjunctivis
with ectropion fo r 3 years.
About 50 years old
in March 1858.
Mr. BUSQUET Henri of Nay
Fistular adenitis of the base of the
neck (undoubtedly tuberculous) for
15 months.
About 15 years old
on 4 -28-1858.
on 1 -18-1862.
Mr. Bouhort Justin of Lourdes
Chronic post-infective malnutrition
with retarded motor development.
Diagnosis at the time:
2 years old on 7-6-
Mrs. RIZAN Madeleine of Nay
Left hemiplegia for 24. About 58 years old
on 10-17-1858.
Miss MOREAU Marie, of Tartas
Major diminution of vision with
inflammatory lesions especially of
the right eye, progressing over 10
About 17 years old
on 11-9-1858.
Mr. DE RUDDER Pierre, of Jabbeke
Ununited fracture of the left leg with
52 years old on 4-
Miss DEHANT Joachime, of Gesves
Ulcer of the right leg with extensive
29 years old on 9-
Miss SEISSON Elisa, of Rognonas
Cardiac hypertrophy with oedema of
the lower limbs.
27 years old on 8-
Sister EUGENIA, (Marie MABILLE),
of Bernay (France).
Abscess in the right iliac fossa with
vesical and colic fistulae. Bilateral
28 years old on
Sister Julienne, (Aline BRUYERE),
of La Roque (France).
Cavitating pulmonary tuberculosis. 25 years old on 9-
Sister Josephine-Marie (Anne
JOURDAIN), of Goincourt (France).
Pulmonary tuberculosis. 36 years old on
Miss CHAGNON Amélie, (Nun of
Sacré Coeur on 25-9-1894) of
Poitiers (France).
Tuberculous osteo-arthritis of the
knee and second metatarsal of the
17 years old on 8-
Tournai (Belg.)
Miss TROUVÉ Clémentine, (Sister
AGNES-MARIE) of Rouille (France).
Osteo periostitis of the right foot
with fistulae.
14 years old on 8-
Miss LEBRANCHU Marie, (Mrs
WUIPLIER) of Paris (France).
Pulmonary tuberculosis (Koch's
bacillae present in sputum).
35 years old on 8-
Miss LEMARCHAND Marie, (Mrs
AUTHIER) of Caen (France).
Pulmonary tuberculosis with ulcers
of the face and legs.
18 years old on 8-
Miss LESAGE Elise, of Bucquoy
Tuberculous osteo-arthritis of knee. 18 years old on 8 -
Sister MARIE de la
DELPORTE) of Lille (France).
Chronic tuberculous gastroenteritis.
46 years old on Cambrai
08-31-1893. 08-15-1908.
Father CIRETTE, of Beaumontel
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis of
spinal cord.
46 years old on Evreux
08-31-1893. 11-02-1907.
Miss HUPRELLEW Aurélie, of St.
Martin-le-Noeud (France).
Acute pulmonary tuberculosis. 26 years old on Beauvais
08-21-1895. 01-05-1908.
Miss BRACHMANN Esther, of Paris
Tuberculous peritonitis. 15 years old on Paris
08-21-1896. 06-06-1908.
Miss TULASNE Jeanne, of Tours
Lumbar Pott's disease, with
neuropathic club foot.
20 years old on Tours
09-08-1897. 27-10-1907.
Miss MALOT Clementine, of
Gaudechart (France).
Pulmonary tuberculosis with
25 years old on Beauvais
08-21-1898. 01-11-1908.
Mrs FRANCOIS Rose (Born
LABREEUVOIES), of Paris (France).
Fistular lymphangitis of the right
arm with enormous oedema.
36 years old on Paris
08-20-1899. 06-06-1908.
Rev. Fr. SALVATOR, of Roouelle
Tuberculous peritonitis. 38 years old on Rennes
06-25-1900. 07-01-1908.
Sister MAXILILIEN, of Marseilles
Hydatid cyst of the liver, phlebitis of
the left lower limb.
43 years old on Marseille
05-20-1901. 02-05-1908.
Miss SAVOYE Marie, of Cateau-
Cambresis (France).
Rheumatic mitral valvular heart
24 years old on Cambrai
09-20-1901. 08-15-1908.
Mrs. BEZENAC Johanna, (Born
DUBOS) of St. Laurent-des-Bâtons
Cachexia and lupus of the face
probably tuberculous.
28 years old on Périgueux
08-08-1904. 07-02-1908.
Sister SAINT-HILAIRE, of Peyreleau
Abdominal tumour. 39 years old on Rodez
08-20-1904. 05-10-1908.
Sister SAINTE-BEATRIX, (Rosalie
VILDIER), of Evreux (France).
Laryngo-bronchitis, probably
42 years old on Evreux
08-31-1904. 03-25-1908.
Miss NOBLET Marie-Therese, of
Avenay (France).
Dorso-lumbar spondylitis. 15 years old on Reims
08-31-1905. 02-11-1908.
Céline, of Tournai (Belgium).
Tuberculous peritonitis. 19 years old on Versailles
09-21-1905. 12-08-1909.
Miss MOULIN Antonia, of Vienne
Fistulous osteomyelitis of right
femur with arthritis of the knee.
30 years old on Grenoble
08-10-1907. 11-06-1910.
Miss BOREL Marie, of Mende
Six faecal fistulae in the lumbar and
abdominal region.
27 years old on Mende
08-21/22-1907. 06-04-1911.
Miss HAUDEBOURG Virginie, of
Lons -le-Saulnier (France).
Tuberculous cystitis, nephritis. 22 years old on Saint-Claude
05-17-1908. 11-25-1912.
Mrs. BIRÉ Marie (Born LUCAS) of
Ste-Gemme-la-Plaine. (France).
Blindness of cerebral origin,
bilateral optic atrophy.
41 years old on Luçon
08-05-1908. 07-30-1910.
Miss ALLPOE Aimée, of Vern
Multiple tuberculous abscesses
with four fistulae on the anterior
abdominal wall.
37 years old on Angers
05-28-1909. 08-05-1910.
Miss ORION Juliette, of St. Hilairede-
Voust (France).
Pulmonary and laryngeal
tuberculous, suppurating left
24 years old on Luçon
07-22-1910. 10-18-1913.
Mrs FABRE Marie, of Montredon
Chronic inflammatory bowel
disease, uterine prolapse.
32 years old on Cahors
09-26-1911. 09-08-1912.
Miss BRESSOLLES Henriette, of
Nice (France).
Pott's disease, paraplegia. About 28 years old
07-03-1924. 06-04-1957.
Miss BROSSE Lydia, of Saint-
Multiple tuberculous fistulae with
wide undermining in the left buttock.
41 years old on Coutances
10-11-1930. 08-05-1958.
(Françoise CAPITAINE) of Rennes
Abscess of the left kidney with
phlyctenular oedema and "cardiac
64 years old on Rennes
01-22-1937. 05-20-1946.
Miss JAMAIN Louise, (Mrs.
MAÎTRE), of Paris (France).
Pulmonary, intestinal and
peritoneal tuberculosis.
22 years old on Paris
04-01-1937. 12-14-1951.
Mr. PASCAL Francis, of Beaucaire
Blindness, paralysis of the lower
3 years 10 months
old on
08-31-1938. 05-31-1949.
Miss CLAUZEL Gabrielle, of Oran
Rheumatic spondylosis. 49 years old on Oran (Algérie)
08-15-1943. 03-18-1948.
Miss FOURNIER Yvonne, of
Limoges (France).
Extending and progressive posttraumatic
syndrome of left upper
limb (Leriche's syndrome).
22 years old on Paris
08-19-1945. 11-14-1959.
Mrs MARTIN Rose, (Born PERONA),
of Nice (France).
Cancer of the uterine cervix
(epithelioma of the cylindrical
46 years old on Nice
07-03-1947. 03-17-1958.
Mrs. GESTAS Jeanne (Born Pelin),
of Bègles (France).
Dyspeptic disorders with postoperative
obstructive episodes.
50 years old on Bordeaux
08-22-1947. 07-13-1952.
Miss CANIN Marie-Therese, of
Marseilles (France).
Dorso-lumbar Pott's disease and
tuberculous peritonitis with fistulae.
37 years old on Marseille
10-09-1947. 06-06-1952.
Miss Carini Maddalena, of San
Remo (Italy).
Peritoneal, Pleuro-pulmonary and
bony tuberculosis with coronary
31 years old on Milan (Italy).
08-15-1948. 06-02-1960.
Miss FRÉTEL Leanne, of Rennes
Tuberculous peritonitis. 34 years old on Rennes
10-08-1948. 11-20-1950.
of Tettnang
Multiple sclerosis for six years. 20 years old on Tarbes-Lourdes
05-20-1950. 06-28-1961.
Mr. GANORA Evasio, of Casale
Hodgkin's disease. 37 years old on Casale (Italy)
06-02-1950. 05-31-1955.
Miss FULDA Edddeltraud, (Mrs.
HAIDINGER), of Wien (Austria).
Addison's disease. 34 years old on Vienne (Autriche)
08-12-1950. 05-18-1955.
Mr PELLEGRIN Paul, of Toulon
Post-operative fistula following a
liver abscess.
52 years old on Fréjus-Toulon
10-03-1950. 12-08-1953.
Brother SCHWAGER Léo, of
Fribourg (Switzerland).
Multiple sclerosis for five years. 28 years old on Genève (Lausanne)
04-30-1952. Fribourg
Mrs. COUTEAULT Alice, (Born
GOURDON), of Bouille-Loretz
Multiple sclerosis for three years. 34 years old on Poitiers
05-15-1952. 07-16-1956.
Miss BIGOT Marie, of La Richardais
Arachnoiditis of posterior fossa
(blindness, deafness, hemiplegia).
31 years old on Rennes
10-08-1953 and 08-15-1956.
32 years old on
Mrs NOUVEL Ginette, (Born FABRE)
of Carmaux (France).
Budd-Chiari disease (suprahepatic
venous thrombosis).
26 years old on Albi
09-21-1954. 05-31-1963.
Miss ALOI Elisa, (Mrs VARCALLI) of
Patti (Italy).
Tuberculous osteo-arthritis with
fistulae at multiple sites in the right
lower limb.
27 years old on Messine (Italy)
06-05-1958. 05-26-1965.
Miss TAMBURINI Juliette, of
Marseilles, (France).
Femoral osteoperiostitis with
fistulae, epistaxis, for ten years.
22 years old on Marseille
07-17-1959. 05-11-1965.
Mr. MICHELI Vittorio, of Scurelle
Sarcoma of pelvis. 23 years old on Trento
06-01-1963. 05-26-1976.
Mr. PERRIN Serge, of Lion d'Angers
Recurrent right hemiplegia, with
ocular lesions, due to bilateral
carotid artery disorders.
41 years old on Angers
05-01-1970. 06-17-1978.
Miss CIROLLI Delizia, (Mrs Costa),
of Paterno (Italy).
Ewing's Sarcoma of right knee. 12 years old on Catania (Italy)
12-24-1976. 06-28-1989.
Mr. Jean-Pierre Bély
Multiple Sclerosis 51 years old on
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The Cures at Lourdes which have been recognised as miraculous
by the Church
Name and Domicile Nature of illness Age at the date Diocese and Date
of the cure of Recognition
Mrs Latapie - CHOUAT Catherine,
of Loubajac (France).
Ulnar Paralysis due to traumatic
elongation of the bracial plexus for
18 months.
About 38 years old
on 3 -1-1858.
Mr Bouriette Louis, of Lourdes
20 year old injury to the right eye
with blindness for 2 years.
54 years old in
March 1858.
Mrs Cazenave Blaisette, Blaisette,
(Born Soupène)of Lourdes
Chemosis or chronic conjunctivis
with ectropion fo r 3 years.
About 50 years old
in March 1858.
Mr. BUSQUET Henri of Nay
Fistular adenitis of the base of the
neck (undoubtedly tuberculous) for
15 months.
About 15 years old
on 4 -28-1858.
on 1 -18-1862.
Mr. Bouhort Justin of Lourdes
Chronic post-infective malnutrition
with retarded motor development.
Diagnosis at the time:
2 years old on 7-6-
Mrs. RIZAN Madeleine of Nay
Left hemiplegia for 24. About 58 years old
on 10-17-1858.
Miss MOREAU Marie, of Tartas
Major diminution of vision with
inflammatory lesions especially of
the right eye, progressing over 10
About 17 years old
on 11-9-1858.
Mr. DE RUDDER Pierre, of Jabbeke
Ununited fracture of the left leg with
52 years old on 4-
Miss DEHANT Joachime, of Gesves
Ulcer of the right leg with extensive
29 years old on 9-
Miss SEISSON Elisa, of Rognonas
Cardiac hypertrophy with oedema of
the lower limbs.
27 years old on 8-
Sister EUGENIA, (Marie MABILLE),
of Bernay (France).
Abscess in the right iliac fossa with
vesical and colic fistulae. Bilateral
28 years old on
Sister Julienne, (Aline BRUYERE),
of La Roque (France).
Cavitating pulmonary tuberculosis. 25 years old on 9-
Sister Josephine-Marie (Anne
JOURDAIN), of Goincourt (France).
Pulmonary tuberculosis. 36 years old on
Miss CHAGNON Amélie, (Nun of
Sacré Coeur on 25-9-1894) of
Poitiers (France).
Tuberculous osteo-arthritis of the
knee and second metatarsal of the
17 years old on 8-
Tournai (Belg.)
Miss TROUVÉ Clémentine, (Sister
AGNES-MARIE) of Rouille (France).
Osteo periostitis of the right foot
with fistulae.
14 years old on 8-
Miss LEBRANCHU Marie, (Mrs
WUIPLIER) of Paris (France).
Pulmonary tuberculosis (Koch's
bacillae present in sputum).
35 years old on 8-
Miss LEMARCHAND Marie, (Mrs
AUTHIER) of Caen (France).
Pulmonary tuberculosis with ulcers
of the face and legs.
18 years old on 8-
Miss LESAGE Elise, of Bucquoy
Tuberculous osteo-arthritis of knee. 18 years old on 8 -
Sister MARIE de la
DELPORTE) of Lille (France).
Chronic tuberculous gastroenteritis.
46 years old on Cambrai
08-31-1893. 08-15-1908.
Father CIRETTE, of Beaumontel
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis of
spinal cord.
46 years old on Evreux
08-31-1893. 11-02-1907.
Miss HUPRELLEW Aurélie, of St.
Martin-le-Noeud (France).
Acute pulmonary tuberculosis. 26 years old on Beauvais
08-21-1895. 01-05-1908.
Miss BRACHMANN Esther, of Paris
Tuberculous peritonitis. 15 years old on Paris
08-21-1896. 06-06-1908.
Miss TULASNE Jeanne, of Tours
Lumbar Pott's disease, with
neuropathic club foot.
20 years old on Tours
09-08-1897. 27-10-1907.
Miss MALOT Clementine, of
Gaudechart (France).
Pulmonary tuberculosis with
25 years old on Beauvais
08-21-1898. 01-11-1908.
Mrs FRANCOIS Rose (Born
LABREEUVOIES), of Paris (France).
Fistular lymphangitis of the right
arm with enormous oedema.
36 years old on Paris
08-20-1899. 06-06-1908.
Rev. Fr. SALVATOR, of Roouelle
Tuberculous peritonitis. 38 years old on Rennes
06-25-1900. 07-01-1908.
Sister MAXILILIEN, of Marseilles
Hydatid cyst of the liver, phlebitis of
the left lower limb.
43 years old on Marseille
05-20-1901. 02-05-1908.
Miss SAVOYE Marie, of Cateau-
Cambresis (France).
Rheumatic mitral valvular heart
24 years old on Cambrai
09-20-1901. 08-15-1908.
Mrs. BEZENAC Johanna, (Born
DUBOS) of St. Laurent-des-Bâtons
Cachexia and lupus of the face
probably tuberculous.
28 years old on Périgueux
08-08-1904. 07-02-1908.
Sister SAINT-HILAIRE, of Peyreleau
Abdominal tumour. 39 years old on Rodez
08-20-1904. 05-10-1908.
Sister SAINTE-BEATRIX, (Rosalie
VILDIER), of Evreux (France).
Laryngo-bronchitis, probably
42 years old on Evreux
08-31-1904. 03-25-1908.
Miss NOBLET Marie-Therese, of
Avenay (France).
Dorso-lumbar spondylitis. 15 years old on Reims
08-31-1905. 02-11-1908.
Céline, of Tournai (Belgium).
Tuberculous peritonitis. 19 years old on Versailles
09-21-1905. 12-08-1909.
Miss MOULIN Antonia, of Vienne
Fistulous osteomyelitis of right
femur with arthritis of the knee.
30 years old on Grenoble
08-10-1907. 11-06-1910.
Miss BOREL Marie, of Mende
Six faecal fistulae in the lumbar and
abdominal region.
27 years old on Mende
08-21/22-1907. 06-04-1911.
Miss HAUDEBOURG Virginie, of
Lons -le-Saulnier (France).
Tuberculous cystitis, nephritis. 22 years old on Saint-Claude
05-17-1908. 11-25-1912.
Mrs. BIRÉ Marie (Born LUCAS) of
Ste-Gemme-la-Plaine. (France).
Blindness of cerebral origin,
bilateral optic atrophy.
41 years old on Luçon
08-05-1908. 07-30-1910.
Miss ALLPOE Aimée, of Vern
Multiple tuberculous abscesses
with four fistulae on the anterior
abdominal wall.
37 years old on Angers
05-28-1909. 08-05-1910.
Miss ORION Juliette, of St. Hilairede-
Voust (France).
Pulmonary and laryngeal
tuberculous, suppurating left
24 years old on Luçon
07-22-1910. 10-18-1913.
Mrs FABRE Marie, of Montredon
Chronic inflammatory bowel
disease, uterine prolapse.
32 years old on Cahors
09-26-1911. 09-08-1912.
Miss BRESSOLLES Henriette, of
Nice (France).
Pott's disease, paraplegia. About 28 years old
07-03-1924. 06-04-1957.
Miss BROSSE Lydia, of Saint-
Multiple tuberculous fistulae with
wide undermining in the left buttock.
41 years old on Coutances
10-11-1930. 08-05-1958.
(Françoise CAPITAINE) of Rennes
Abscess of the left kidney with
phlyctenular oedema and "cardiac
64 years old on Rennes
01-22-1937. 05-20-1946.
Miss JAMAIN Louise, (Mrs.
MAÎTRE), of Paris (France).
Pulmonary, intestinal and
peritoneal tuberculosis.
22 years old on Paris
04-01-1937. 12-14-1951.
Mr. PASCAL Francis, of Beaucaire
Blindness, paralysis of the lower
3 years 10 months
old on
08-31-1938. 05-31-1949.
Miss CLAUZEL Gabrielle, of Oran
Rheumatic spondylosis. 49 years old on Oran (Algérie)
08-15-1943. 03-18-1948.
Miss FOURNIER Yvonne, of
Limoges (France).
Extending and progressive posttraumatic
syndrome of left upper
limb (Leriche's syndrome).
22 years old on Paris
08-19-1945. 11-14-1959.
Mrs MARTIN Rose, (Born PERONA),
of Nice (France).
Cancer of the uterine cervix
(epithelioma of the cylindrical
46 years old on Nice
07-03-1947. 03-17-1958.
Mrs. GESTAS Jeanne (Born Pelin),
of Bègles (France).
Dyspeptic disorders with postoperative
obstructive episodes.
50 years old on Bordeaux
08-22-1947. 07-13-1952.
Miss CANIN Marie-Therese, of
Marseilles (France).
Dorso-lumbar Pott's disease and
tuberculous peritonitis with fistulae.
37 years old on Marseille
10-09-1947. 06-06-1952.
Miss Carini Maddalena, of San
Remo (Italy).
Peritoneal, Pleuro-pulmonary and
bony tuberculosis with coronary
31 years old on Milan (Italy).
08-15-1948. 06-02-1960.
Miss FRÉTEL Leanne, of Rennes
Tuberculous peritonitis. 34 years old on Rennes
10-08-1948. 11-20-1950.
of Tettnang
Multiple sclerosis for six years. 20 years old on Tarbes-Lourdes
05-20-1950. 06-28-1961.
Mr. GANORA Evasio, of Casale
Hodgkin's disease. 37 years old on Casale (Italy)
06-02-1950. 05-31-1955.
Miss FULDA Edddeltraud, (Mrs.
HAIDINGER), of Wien (Austria).
Addison's disease. 34 years old on Vienne (Autriche)
08-12-1950. 05-18-1955.
Mr PELLEGRIN Paul, of Toulon
Post-operative fistula following a
liver abscess.
52 years old on Fréjus-Toulon
10-03-1950. 12-08-1953.
Brother SCHWAGER Léo, of
Fribourg (Switzerland).
Multiple sclerosis for five years. 28 years old on Genève (Lausanne)
04-30-1952. Fribourg
Mrs. COUTEAULT Alice, (Born
GOURDON), of Bouille-Loretz
Multiple sclerosis for three years. 34 years old on Poitiers
05-15-1952. 07-16-1956.
Miss BIGOT Marie, of La Richardais
Arachnoiditis of posterior fossa
(blindness, deafness, hemiplegia).
31 years old on Rennes
10-08-1953 and 08-15-1956.
32 years old on
Mrs NOUVEL Ginette, (Born FABRE)
of Carmaux (France).
Budd-Chiari disease (suprahepatic
venous thrombosis).
26 years old on Albi
09-21-1954. 05-31-1963.
Miss ALOI Elisa, (Mrs VARCALLI) of
Patti (Italy).
Tuberculous osteo-arthritis with
fistulae at multiple sites in the right
lower limb.
27 years old on Messine (Italy)
06-05-1958. 05-26-1965.
Miss TAMBURINI Juliette, of
Marseilles, (France).
Femoral osteoperiostitis with
fistulae, epistaxis, for ten years.
22 years old on Marseille
07-17-1959. 05-11-1965.
Mr. MICHELI Vittorio, of Scurelle
Sarcoma of pelvis. 23 years old on Trento
06-01-1963. 05-26-1976.
Mr. PERRIN Serge, of Lion d'Angers
Recurrent right hemiplegia, with
ocular lesions, due to bilateral
carotid artery disorders.
41 years old on Angers
05-01-1970. 06-17-1978.
Miss CIROLLI Delizia, (Mrs Costa),
of Paterno (Italy).
Ewing's Sarcoma of right knee. 12 years old on Catania (Italy)
12-24-1976. 06-28-1989.
Mr. Jean-Pierre Bély
Multiple Sclerosis 51 years old on
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