

Miracles can be described as extraordinary events which cannot be proved by the laws of the nature. They can be attributed to act of God or the blessings of the great Saints. Catholics believe that such miracles take place as God wants to send a message to his followers. This could be either to build a church or to convert people into Christianity and many more.

One such great saint was St. Francis Xavier who has brought many persons back to life with the grace of the Almighty. As he was about to begin a Mass in a small church in Combutur, he was approached by a group of people carrying the dead body of a child who had drowned in the well. His mother pleaded St. Francis to save her son. The revered saint prayed for a short time, put his hand on the dead child and asked him to rise. To the bewilderment of all present, the child rose and ran to his mother’s lap.

A pair of youth used to accompany the saint on his Missionary work. One night one of the youth was bitten by a cobra and was found dead the next morning. Shocked St. Francis applied some saliva from his mouth on the foot of the youth, made a sign of cross over him, caught his hand and asked him to rise in the name of the Lord. The youth rose as if he had got up from his sleep and continue to preach the message of Jesus.     

While walking down the streets of Mutan, St. Francis met a bereaved family who had lost a young lad to a malignant fever. The parents fell down on the feet of the saint and showing pity towards the distraught parents. He knealt down and raising his eyes sky wards prayed to god to give life to the young lad. He then sprinkled water over the corps and asked the funeral cask to be opened. When the body could be seen he raised a cross over it. Held the hand of the youth and asked him to rise. The youth rose in good health. To honor the saint the parents erected a great cross at the spot to commemorate the miracle.

While in Coulon, in southern India, St. Francis met a group of people who were very rigid in their views. While preaching at the church there he said that the Lord could even raise the dead to convert them into Christianity. He asked the Tomb of the person who had been buried just a day back to be opened. When it was opened the body had started to stench. Falling on his knees and uttering a short prayer he ordered the dead man to rise in the name of the living God. To the amazement of all present the man came alive in good health. People fell at the feet of the saint and had their child baptized by him. Many onlookers who saw this miracle take place soon converted to Christianity.    

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