

Among the several miracles that have taken place in the Catholic religion, Miracles of Eucharist hold a special significance.

In Santarem, Portugal, a woman who was convinced that her husband was unfaithful to her and did not love her approached a sorceress who promised her that if she could bring her a Consecrated host her husband would start loving her. She approached the St. Steven Church and got the communion but did not eat it and after coming out put it in her veil. On her way to the sorceress the Host started to bleed and when this was brought to her notice she got frightened and rushed to her home instead of going for the sorceress. She hid the host inside a trunk and did not tell anything about it to her husband. Later in the night the whole room was lit by the bright light coming out from the trunk. She confessed her sin and they kept praying till the morning when a local parish was called. The host was taken to the church and was encased in wax and kept in tabernacle. When it was opened sometime later the priest was amazed to see that the wax had broken and the host and the precious blood were enclosed in a crystal pyx.

In Amsterdam which in 1345 was a small fishing hamlet, a fisherman who was on his death bed requested the local priest to give him the Holy Communion which the priest acceded to. Soon after the priest left, the man started coughing and threw out the host still intact. His wife threw the Host into the fireplace but soon regretted her action. She could not take out the Host because of the heat. Due to her guilt, she could not sleep properly and when she got up next morning she was amazed to see that the Host nothing had happened to the Host and it was still fresh and brilliant. Taking it out she kept it in a chest after wrapping it in a clean linen cloth. The local priest was told about the story and decided that it was best to take the Host back to the church and it was placed in the tabernacle. The next day he was shocked that the Host had disappeared and was found at the home of the fisherman. Frightened, the wife took the Host to the priest who again placed it in the church but the same thing occurred again. Another Miracle that took place was that the fisherman who was on his death bed recovered completely. 100 years later, a great fire engulfed Amsterdam and most of the houses including the house of the fisherman which now was the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament caved in. But again a Miracle took place and it was found that the Host had remained unscathed along with the silk veil which covered it. One cannot explain any natural reason for the same and can only be attributed to a Miracle of the Great Lord. 

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