

Since the emergence of mankind one has been witness to several miracles. Miracles can be described as an event which cannot be explained by the laws of nature. The possible causes of miracles according to religion are that is an act of God or the blessings of a saint or holy man or due to some natural spring. Those who do not believe in the super natural believe that the same as God working with the Law of Nature to make it seem like a miracle.

Catholic Church believes that there is a specific reason for the occurrence of miracles which could be conversions of people or the construction of a church. The Catholic Church has recognized several events including some modern ones as miracles. Before an event is recognized as a miracle it has to undergo a stringent process which is supervised by the Congregation of the Causes of Saints. This is essential to weed out those events which can be explained by laws of nature but are presented in such a way that it seems to appear like a miracle. Before a person is declared a Saint it has to be proved that he has performed two miracles after his death. These miracles can take place in several manners such as the sudden recovery of a person who has been declared terminally ill or the redevelopment of an amputated or the saving of the life of a person by the moving of a statue.

During the year in 1602, in the city of Mexico, many people were unhappy with the conversions that were taking place. These people were making profits playing with the emotions of the public especially the medicine men, who profited fooling the natives. Human sacrifice was also prevalent during that time. These people tried to get even with the bishop and the church which was enlightening the people against these meaningless happenings.

Porta Coeli was a Dominican church where the Seminarians worshipped. This church had a crucifix in white marble. It was a custom followed by the Archbishop to celebrate Mass at the Church daily. Before the beginning of the service it was a ritual to kiss the feet of the Crucified Lord, Jesus.

A man, who sought revenge with the Bishop for the enlightenment of the locals, planned to poison him. Knowing that the Bishop would kiss the feet of the Lord he placed poison on it. As the Lord is always kind and full of love towards his children, to the amazement of all persons present there, He raised his feet up to the extent that the Bishop was unable to kiss it the next morning before the Mass. The Bishop could not kiss the poisoned feet and was hence saved from dying. This venom that was placed on His body by the enemies of the church went up through the corpus of the Lord. This made the statue of the crucified body of the Lord turn black leaving those who had collected there blessed to have seen a miracle with their eyes. 

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