
The first approved miracle of Lourdes

The miracles of Lourdes water are many, especially if you take into account the unofficial ones. Till this date, only 68 cures have been able to meet the strict criteria of being  approved by a panel of medical and religious experts. The term approved signifies that they recognize it truly being a miracle. But the first approved incident related to Mrs Catherine Latapie in 1862.

Mrs Catherine Latapie was a native of France. She resided in a town named Loubajac, which was only a few kilometers away from the lake. In the 1856, she was climbing a tree and suddenly slipped and fell down. At that time she was about three months pregnant. When she fell, she partially dislocated her harm, although  it could be cured with therapy, but the ulna was also paralyzed. This is because her brachial plexus, which is a cluster of nerves starting from your neck and ending upto your arms and which control the movement of our arms. The uncharacteristic shock causing her last two fingers to become useless. They were permanently fixed in a palmer flexion position. In this, the fingers are slightly raised up and pointing inwards.

Two years passed after that incident with no possible recovery of the paralyzed fingers. One night between 28 February to 1 march 1858, exact date of which is not known,  she suddenly decided at three a.m. to go to Lourdes. She just got up in the middle of the night, woke her children up and started the journey to cover the few kilometers. It took her the whole night to reach the place, and as soon s she arrived she contacted Bernadette. After doing so, she reached Grotto; went down on her knees and started praying. There was a small hollow bump near her, which was filled up with water from the spring. After she prayed, she just dipped her hand in the water, nothing more. As soon as the water touched her skin, her fingers got back to normal. She could easily move them, as if they were never damaged in the first place.

With the new happiness, she hurried back to her home, on the morning  of the evening on which her son was born; which provides due confirmation of the date. This third child of her grew up to be ordained priest.
This case was professionally analyzed by a scholar named professor Vergez to analyze the situation in a logical progression, with any religious influence. The report presented by him to the religious and medical panel  of Lourdes; in which he clearly stated hat the recovery was supernatural; there is some unrecognized potential hidden in it. And hence the first approved miracle of Lourdes was put forth in front of the world.

Till date many people come from far and beyond to benefit from the amazing properties of Holy water from Lourdes. Although for some it is most beneficial, for others the advantages are less prominent. But now you can get the religious gift from Lourdes  at your own house, at a much cheaper price.

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